During lactation, you should always maintain a balanced diet without going to extremes.
Your hydration is very important. Remember to drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily, to help with the production of your milk. Many women, during lactation, report that they are thirstier. As a result, it should not be difficult for you to drink more.
Try to eat every 3 hours and avoid long periods of fasting.
Try to eat unsaturated, healthy fats, which you will find in dried fruits, seeds and olive oil. But don’t overdo it.
Make sure you each fruit daily. Just 3 pieces a day will help avoid constipation.
Try to eat vegetables with every meal.
Take plenty of dairy products, such as yogurt, whole milk and cheese, at least 3 portions a day.
Eat plenty of carbohydrates in small portions with every meal, such as sugars, bread, rice, potatoes and pulses. It is especially important to try to increase the quantity of pulses and legumes to at least 3 to 5 times more a week.
Take proteins daily in the form of meat, fish or eggs. Try and limit the consumption of deep sea fish, such as tuna, sword fish, shark and salmon, because they contain high levels of metals, such as mercury Don’t avoid them completely as they still contain high levels of omega-3 which is beneficial to the development of the baby.
It is not a problem if your diet is vegetarian or vegan. Your baby should not be disadvantaged but you must supplement your diet with vitamin B12 and limit the consumption of seaweed, because of its high concentration of iron. Remember to consult your dietitian.